Wednesday, September 12, 2007

well, almost here... still in rabat doing more training details. it has been good, but it's a lot of information each day and i feel ridiculously tired all the time.
i'm not really sure how to describe anything right now, it just feels right. from the moment the plane landed i knew this is where i am supposed to be and as we walked through the madness of the medina (huge outdoor shopping market) i felt it even more. let me tell you how good that feels after months of not really know that this was the right decision.
and then i think, wow... i'm in africa.
well, i move to ouarzazate on friday... i'm of course really excited to see how that turns out. we will be living in a hotel and with a family in the surrounding area on and off for the next three months of language training. which is a slightly different picture than i had imagined but it's still good.
ok, that's all for now, i must get sleep... oh, and is anyone hooked up with skype? i'm still figuring this out but apparently i can call people for free and talk to them online using my built in mic. anyway let me know if anyone is using that or would like to?


S'cott said...

Yay! You sound excited and happy and who wouldn't want to be Where's It At! I hear there's a whole lot of Sheiking goin' on there, too, har har. (If there aren't Sheiks in Morocco, know that it's at least a band.)

Have fun in the Bollywood of Morocco; I look forward to following the adventures of Linsey in future posts!

Rock the casbah and, remember, you're in a different culture so don't do anything that's, er, tabu.

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Girl. So happy to hear you are feeling in the right place. Can there be a better feeling that right-ness?
Can't wait to see how you feel by only next week.And a hotel sounds like some pretty good diggs for Peace Corp hey?